Sunday at the Museum
Sundays can be very exciting at the Museum. Most months we have a lecture or panel type presentation from a variety of artists and professionals in the sewing/quilting world, or from groups with special textile information to share.
Join us in the Gallery for 1 hour lectures with Q&A after the talk and some refreshments as you socialize a bit. The Gift Shop is open- so you can shop before the lecture.
To expedite check-in, we use pre-registration for both members and non-members.
If you have to cancel after PRE-REGISTERING - we ask that you call by Friday night - so RMQM staff has time to contact WAITLISTed people to allow them to attend. THANK YOU!
Members - click here. | Non-members - click here.
Gallery closes to the public at 12:30 PM to expedite set up.
Doors OPEN at 1:30 PM for seating.
Time: Lecture begins at 2 PM.
Light refreshments served.
Lectures are generally the 2nd Sunday of most months.
Look for announcements on the website and our weekly e-Newsletter.
Sign up for our newsletter here: eNEWSLETTER SIGNUP
Our next SAM (Sunday at the Museum) is highlighted in RED below.
January 12 - Reclamation Alchemy, Potential and Beauty in Used Materials | slide show and Trunk Show discussing Eliu's technique & philosophy. A quilt artist - whose work has been in multiple exhibits here at Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, Eliu's tool of choice is a seam ripper, and he gets very excited spotting new 'raw materials' of used jeans, with character. Dedicated to making beautiful and functional works using reclaimed materials, he uses clothing, bedding and other fabrics to make quilts, stuffed animals and other functional items. His insight and inspiration will have you looking twice at materials you would otherwise throw away.
February 9 - 19th Century Blues with Carol Born
March 9 - A Bed Turning with Jeananne Wright
April 13 - RMQM Blue & White Trunk Show
May 4 - CO Japanese Women's Quilt Project Panel presentation
June 8 - RMQM's Antique Quilt Road Show is Back! Know your Antique Quilts—A panel of RMQM's quilt experts will be providing a 5-minute evaluation of the antique quilts. Besides getting to view some quilts, the audience gets an insight as to how quilts can reveal their age through patterns and fabrics. Values are not determined by the panel.
July 13 - Broad Spectrum Panel - SAQA Montana Idaho Panel
August 10 - Timestamps Exhibit
September 14 - Trash to Treasures
October 12 - Thread! Unraveling the mystery of why there are so many.
November 9 - Treadles, Hand Cranks & Motors- Oh My! | Lisa Selzler is remarkable at fixing very old antique sewing machines. She will share her insights on these marvelous machines and how they changed the world!
December - No Program
Sunday at the Museum (SAM) events are free to members | 15$ for non-members
Guest passes not valid for SAM's
Sunday at the Museum (SAM) events are free to members | 15$ for non-members
Guest passes not valid for SAM's