RMQM Trash to Treasures Garage Sale
2024 is done and GONE---- But it was so much FUN!
If you bought something to participate in the Honor the Maker Challenge - Don't forget to keep working on it...
We will be updating you on when to submit your pictures for the Challenge completion.
Donations for 2025 Garage Sale won't be taken at RMQM until Summer.
Dates and details will be announced here.
What is the Trash to Treasures Garage Sale?
A day of great deals on fabrics, notions, rulers, books, patterns, batting, tools, quilts, tops, blocks waiting to be make into tops, and MORE!
Like most garage sales there are Treasures waiting to be found, that someone else no longer wants or needs.
Members get early access, so they get to search for treasure first.
Every year it seems more people are aware and are waiting in line to get in - so watch here for the dates when you can donate your old treasure and the day you can find Treasure that others have donated. (usually in August)
The Annual Garage Sale - is a great opportunity to clean up your stash - donating those fabrics that no longer hold interest for you.
RMQM benefits from your donation, as we turn it into operating funds - when a Garage Sale treasure hunter spies it and adds it to their project stash!! ????
It is a win-win-win!
Your stash clean up items that are in pristine - unwashed condition can be donated for Fabric & Friends.
Your stash clean up items that are in pristine - unwashed condition can be donated for Fabric & Friends.